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“In Remembrance„
The citizens of Turkey
Holocaust Shoah 1933-1945

In remembrance of the countless
Turkish citizens, the former Turkish
citizens, Turkish descent and our
relatives, Jews&Turks who were brutally and
cruelly murdered in the countless death camps,
concentration camps with their gas chambers in
Europe during the Holocaust-Shoa 1933-1945.
Approximately 6-8 Millions European Jews, Jewish
descent, Turkish citizens, the former Turkish
citizens, Turkish descent and our
relatives, Jews&Turks, children, families,
elderly and sick persons were wiped out by the
“ethnic cleansing” of Nazi-Germans,
Nazi-Germany, Nazi-Allies countries and in Nazi-
occupied countries during the Holocaust-Shoah
bear in remembrance“
the innocent Turkish citizens,
former Turkish citizens and Turkish descent,
the victims of the Holocaust-Shoa.
1933 and end of May 1945 the unique great old
European Jewish&Turkish society, the multi
cultural community of Jews&Turks including their
elderly people, families, children were all
wiped out in the
gas chambers of

- Aşkinazim, Sefardim, Mizrahim,
Karayim, Türklerim ve Kafkasya Musevilerim
1933 - 1945