bear in remembrance
about the movie
Desperate Hours
- is a truly unique work od documentary filmmaking, combining a
compelling story with thorough historical research and outstanding
directorial skills.
- Carol Bidault,
Director and founder - DC International Film Festival
At a time when
we read in the daily press that actions of antisemitism and terror against
innocent civilians are growing and at a time when we think we have heard all
of the stories about the Holocaust, along comes Victoria with another
- Rochelle
Wilner - President of B'nai Brith, Canada
I strongly
commend all those associated with the film Desperate Hours... directed and
produced by Victoria Barrett for helping to elucidate and publicize one of
the most important chapters in the long, dramatic, and mutually rewarding
history shared by the Jewish and Turkish peoples.
- Honorable Tom
Lantos of California - U. S. House of Representatives
In the annals of
world war II heroism, Turkey's work in saving over 20.000 European Jews has
been neglected, a slight this refreshingly old fashioned documentary seeks
to correct.
- Chuck
Wilson, L A Weekly Review
Desperate Hours,
a new documentary about Turkey's role in the Holocaust, is proof that there
are still stories to be told and people to be applauded.
- Jerusalem
Well written, -
with an uplifting message of decency.
- The
Washington Jewish Weekly
My immediate
reaction was: everyone must see this!.. if it were not for a small crew of
dedicated workers, we still would not have been able to bring this story out
from the archives of forgotten history.
- The Ayse
Sumer, Editor in Chief - ATC Magazine
bear in remembrance
Participants; - We
have not forgotten what
had happened during the
Holocaust-Shoa 1933-1945.
Were here today to
make sure that this is not forgotten, for the future generations, they should know
and always remember.
The year 2005
Photo: Stuttgart/Echterdingen airfield the
murdered remains of
the Holocaust-Shoa victims finally reburied the displaced Jews, Jewish
descent and
Turkish citizens Jews&Turks from whole
"The Photos by
Charlie Coon. - Used with an permission from Stars
and Stripes ฉ 2005, Stars and Stripes ฉ 2007.
The participants: - At the final funeral Jewish
organisations and the relatives of the victims
from Israel, Turkey, Europe, Germany and the European
Turkish Union (ETU).
After 60 years the
new located remains of the Holocaust - Shoa victims reburied
with a dignity at
Stuttgart/ Echterdingen airfield- (Airport).
During the Holocaust - Shoa, 1933-1945 in former
death-camp Stuttgart/ Echterdingen- airfield
at the (Airport) the remains of countless murdered
victims, of Jews and Jewish descent
additionally Turkish citizens former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks. They were from
Nazi Germany, Nazi allies Eeuropean countries
and Nazi occupied european countries expelled, persecuted, displaced,
deported, and in the death-camps like here murdered.
These helpless and marrowless souls in
death camps were tortured, brutally and cruelly murdered, the
victims had to shovel in order of the Nazis, in unaware their own mass grave-yard before
they were shot to death from the back and kicked into
the grave-yard.

The corps
founded after 60 years by coincidence and during
the construction work
at the Stuttgart/ Echterdingen airfield/airport area
in the
2005. (Another mass grave is expected under the
asphalted surfaces of whole area).
bear in remembrance
year 2007
In Stuttgart/Echterdingen airfield- the
murdered victims of the Holocaust - Shoa, Jews and Jewish descent Turkish citizens
Jews&Turks from whole Europe, receive the first official ceremony with
grave-yard thombs..

by Charlie Coon. - Used with an permission from
Stars and Stripes ฉ
2005, Stars and Stripes ฉ 2007."

The participants, at the funeral Jewish
organisations and the relatives of the victims
from Israel, Turkey, Europe, Germany and the European
Turkish Union (ETU).
In the year 2007 in former
death-camp Stuttgart/Echterdingen-airfield
(Airport) the Holocaust-Shoa victims have been
comemorated with the symbolic 34 black marble
graveyard thombs (because of the shortage of space).
For the Jews and Jewish descent including Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks,
from whole Europe.
bear in remembrance
In death-camp
Dachau/Germany the liberation and remembrance day for the Holocaust-Shoa
surviver, and for the murdered victims Turkish citizens former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks on
May 13, 2007.

Liberation and remembrance day with the flags
of 22 nations for their murdered victims during the Holocaust - Shoa in
death camp Dachau/Germany
May 13, 2007.
The participiants: On
the the liberation day,
13, 2007,
death camp Dachau/Germany;
have not forgotten what had happened
during the Holocaust - Shoa 1933-1945 to our murdered Turkish citizens former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks.
Were here today to
make sure that this is not forgotten, for the future generations, they should know
and always remember..

Photo: Death
camp Dachau/Germany May 13, 2007 the liberation and remembrance day, the
Turkish nation remembers their countless murdered victims of Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens, and Turkish descent Jews&Turks
during the Holocaust-Shoa 1933-1945.
Foto: The
President of the Central Council of Jews in
Germany reminds,
have not forgotten what
had happened during the
Holocaust - Shoa 1933-1945.
Were here today to
make sure that this is not forgotten, for the future generations, they should know
and always remember.
The death of the countless murdered Jews and
Jewish descent from whole Europe during the Holocaust - Shoa 1933-1945 in
death-camp Dachau/Germany.
victims will be always reminded against neglect, like during the last 62

Photo: The
President of the Central Council of Jews in
have not forgotten what
had happened here during the
Holocaust - Shoa 1933-1945.
Were here today to
make sure that this is not forgotten, for the future generations, they should know
and always remember.

Wreath laying ceremony, for our relatives
and Turkish
citizens, former Turkish
citizens, Turkish descent Jews&Turks.

Photo: The few
of the many wreathes, the European Turkish
Union (ETU) and few other Turkish organisations with the relatives of the
survivors and murdered victims, taking part and reminding
of their murdered Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens, Turkish descent and their relatives Jews&Turks during the Holocaust - Shoa 1933-1945 here in death-camp
(Wreath laying ceremony) on May 13, 2007.

Photo: Death
camp Dachau/Germany, - the countless
from many nations for the liberation and
remembrance day on May
13, 2007.
To bear in
remembrance 2007

Photo: The
Turkish&Jewish youth in death camp Auschwitz I. ; Auschwitz II.-Birkenau; Auschwitz III.-Monowitz,
and in 40 external death-camps at the liberation and remembrance day in Poland, January
21, 2007, and February 26-27-28, 2007.

Against neglect
Poland, - between 1940 - 1945 during the
Şoa the industrylized mass
killing in gas chambers and burned away,
the known one Milyon Seferad-Turkish-Jews, Turkish citizens former Turkish
citizens, Turkish descent and - our relatives Jews&Turks
have been murdered in death camp Auschwitz - Birkenau.
The Turkish&Jewish youth
and several Turkish, Jewish organisations, the relatives of the surviver
and victims with the European Turkish Union (ETU) commemorate and admonish their
brutally and cruelly murdered relatives, Jews and Jewish descent, Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks
reminding their children, families, elderly, the sick people and the victims,
from whole Europe millions were shot to death, tortured to death and mass murdered in the
gas chambers and burned,
during the Holocaust-Shoa 1933-1945 in death-camp Auschwitz I.-; Auschwitz II.- Birkenau; Auschwitz III.- Monowitz,
and in the 40 external death-camps.
The quotation
and predicates from the participants in the death-camp Auschwitz I.- ; Auschwitz II.- Birkenau; Auschwitz III.- Monowitz,
and in 40 external death-camps at the liberation and remembrance day in Poland:-
The helpless victims
during the Holocaust-Shoa, 1933-1945, Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks, men, women, children, families,
elderly and sick people had been expelled, persecuted, displaced, deported
to death camps and murdered in gas chambers and burned in Nazi Germany, Nazi
allied countries and Nazi occupied countries in Europe.
All their belongings like their houses, apartments, land, offices, business,
savings, art-objects, life and pension insurances were confiscated, even
their gold teeth were removed after the gasification/mass murdering in the
gas chambers, their temples/ synagogues burned down.
Since 62 years the
guilty parties did not excuse, nor offer any compensation to any Turkish
citizens, former Turkish citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks, to the
survivors, to the relatives of the victims nor to the Republic of Turkey.
These countless murdered victims of the Holocaust-Shoa during the years
1933-1945, Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens and Turkish descent
Jews&Turks were European citizens since several generations, (in today's
European Union countries) fully integrated, in culture, official-identity
and daily life. Why the silence and no statement from the members of the
European parliament, European court of justice, European human rights
organisations (The quotation and predicates from the survivors and the
relatives of the victims). To bear in
remembrance 2007

The Jews and Jewish descent celebrating and reminding
all over the world the 491th
of the remains of the holy temple, the
Wailing Wall Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş) in Jerusalem/Israel.
November 29, 1516,- The conquest of Jerusalem by the Ottoman
Turks and Emperor Yavuz Sultan I. Selim Khan,- he laid open the ruins of the
holy temple Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş) in Jerusalem, which was
burned and destroyed in 70 after Christ, by the roman King Titus, Christian
rulers and Christian priests.
The Ottoman Emperor Yavuz Sultan I. Selim Khan,- worked
personally and with him 10.000 people with shovel and bucket and cleared
the stiff of animal and human excrements and garbage over the ruins of the
holy temple Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş), today's Wailing Wall of
When the
rest of the holy temple Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş) turned out
with the only remains, the Wailing Wall, the Ottoman Emperor Yavuz Sultan I.
Selim Khan,- was very happy! He gave the order to clean it and wash it for
many months with thousands of gallons perfume and essence of roses.
In 70 AC when the holy temple Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş) was
burned and destroyed by Roman King Titus, by Christian rulers and Christian
priests, it was followed by an additional order to the residents of Jerusalem:- To
throw every 30'st day human and animal excrements and garbage for hundreds
of years over the ruins of the Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş)
temple for
desecration and to cover the tracks of the holy temple and to deprive the Jews
of their temple and religion.

Photo: The Wailing Wall- Ottoman Emperor Yavuz Sultan I. Selim
Khan,- personally worked and cleared in the remains of the holy
temple Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş) in
Jerusalem in the 15th century.

Photo: 20th century:- the remains of the holy temple, the
Wailing Wall Katel Ha Maarovi- (Bet-Hamikdaş) in Jerusalem, a prayer
and the eternal
thanks,- to the Ottoman Turks and Emperor Yavuz Sultan I. Selim
Khan.- |