In Switzerland Bank
accounts of the
Holocaust-Shoa victims from Turkish
citizens, - Jews&Turks 1933-1945.

sites and additional information„
62 years the Swiss banks are hoarding in Switzerland the unclaimed
assets and wealth of the countless Turkish citizens, former
Turkish citizens and of Turkish descent Jews&Turks, the victims of
the Holocaust-Shoah murdered during the years 1933-1945, waiting
for the survivor, their owners, relatives and the authorities.

Photo: The helpless and innocent victims, Turkish
citizens, former Turkish citizens, former Ottoman citizens and Turkish descent
Jews&Turks during the Holocaust and Shoah 1933-1945 in Paris/France.

Foto: The Turkish President Excellency Mustafa Kemal Atatürk und his
friends in Ankara/Turkey reminding, Nazi-Germany and the Nazi-ally countries about
the murdered victims
over (12) years during the Holocaust and Shoa 1933-1945.

Monument KZ-Buchenwald (Death Camp) reminding the mass murdered
victims during the Holocaust and Shoa over
(12) years
1933-1945 the Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens,
former Ottoman citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks and their
Turkish Union).
Switzerland, the Government and land (system by
popular vote) refuse the victims of the Holocaust-Shoah the
helpless, innocent Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens,
Turkish descent Jews&Turks and the European Jews and of Jewish
descent, families and children, elderly and sick persons the entry
to Switzerland
(The Bergier Report)
during the years 1933-1945.

Monument KZ-Buchenwald (Death Camp)
during the
Holocaust and Shoa 1933-1945
(12) years
have been murdered
Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens, former
Ottoman citizens, Turkish descent, their children of Jews&Turks
and our relatives in memoriam from
Turkish Union.

Monument KZ-Buchenwald (Death Camp) 1 minute respect, silence, pray
and 1 wreath from
European Turkish Union for the mass murdered victims
(12) years
the Holocaust and Shoa 1933-1945
KZ-Buchenwald (2008).

From the
European Turkish Union
Hon. Mr. Yıldız lost his relative of (Age 34) he have been murdered during
the Holocaust and Shoa 1933-1945 KZ-Ohrdruf
(Death Camp) January 29, 1945.

Monument KZ-Buchenwald (Death Camp) 1 minute respect, silence and
pray from US Presídent Excellency Barack Obama for the mass murdered victims
(12) years
during the Holocaust and Shoa 1933-1945
KZ-Buchenwald (2008).
Switzerland did not offer any aid or shelter for
the helpless refugees families, children, elderly and the sick
persons, but rather arrested the helpless poor victims at the
border and delivered them to the Nazi armed forces, SS, Gestapo
and Nazi Germany, consequently and sure sending them to death
(The Bergier Report).
Switzerland and the Government agreed with Nazi Germany and Nazi
allied countries a new dimensional racist pact/agreement,, after
by popular vote in their own country the
„J“ and „JUIVE“ stamp..(The Bergier Report).
The result of the pact/agreement with Nazi Germany
was a big red
„J“ and „JUIVE“ stamp.
wide: for the innocent helpless victims of Turkish citizens,
former Turkish citizens Turkish descent Jews&Turks, the European
Jews and of Jewish descent, families, children, elderly and sick
persons a stamp obligation was released..
(The Bergier Report).
Europe and World wide in all passports and identity papers of the
helpless victims
Turkish citizens former Turkish citizens Turkish
descent Jews&Turks, the european Jews and of Jewish descent,
was a big red
to identify and refuse the victims the entry at the border to Nazi
Switzerland, Nazi Germany, Nazi allied countrys and Nazi occupied
countries in Europe.
(The Bergier Report).

Monument KZ-Bergen Belsen (Death Camp)
during the
Holocaust and Shoa
over (12
have been murdered
Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens, former
Ottoman citizens, Turkish descent, their children of Jews&Turks
and our relatives; - in memoriam from
European Turkish Union.

Monument KZ-Bergen Belsen (Death Camp) one minute respect, silence, pray
and two wreath from
European Turkish Union
for the mass murdered victims
(12) years
during the Holocaust and Shoa 1933-1945
KZ-Bergen Belsen (2008).
From the border of Switzerland countless helpless
victims of European Jews, Jewish descent, Turkish citizens, former
Turkish citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks, families,
children, elderly and sick persons were handed over to Nazi
Germany, SS, Gestapo by Swiss authorities followed by the
deportation of the innocent and helpless victims by countless
trains and in cattle wagons for days without food, water and
toilet to the
and mass murdered in gas chambers and burned.
(The Bergier Report).

Photo: The endless railway with the end of the line
The official annual commemoration with the
countless names of the Holocaust-Shoah victims 1933-1945.
The Swiss border police and the responsible
authorities refused during the Holocaust-Shoah 1933-1945 and World
War II. more then 130000-136000 helpless innocent victims of
European Jews, Jewish descent, Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks, families, children,
elderly and sick persons the entry to Switzerland, arrested and
handed them over to the SS, Gestapo and Nazi armed forces.
(The Bergier Report).
As well these helpless and defenceless victims were
quickly displaced and deported by countless trains - being for
days in cattle wagons without bread, water and toilet - to the
in Europe, where they were shot, mass murdered in
gas chambers and burned
(The Bergier Report).
Swiss - Banks hoarding since 62 years the wealth,
bank accounts, fonds, insurance, gold, deposit ,
etc. of
Turkish citizens former Turkish citizens and Turkish
descent Jews&Turks, the innocent victims of
the Holocaust-Shoa
(The Bergier
The Swiss - Banks stock since 62 years unadjusted
and unclaimed capital, cash, wealth, bank accounts, gold,
investments, life and pension insurances of
citizens, former Turkish citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turk,s
the murdered victims of the Holocaust-Shoah during 1933-1945.
(The Bergier
1939-1945 - the US Intelligence service CIA
revealed in 1997 that during the Holocaust-Shoah 1933-1945
and World War II. Switzerland National Bank send 280 big
truck - loads of Nazi- Gold to Spain and Portugal? (Tooth gold
of the 8 Million Holocaust-Shoah victims, European Jews, Jewish
descent, Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens and Turkish
descent Jews&Turks, families, elderly and sick persons) (USAT,
1/13/97, p.3A).
(The Bergier
To all relatives of the Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens and of Turkish descent Jews&Turks, the victims of the Holocaust
Shoah 1932-1945.
Please call or apply in a written form to the Swiss Banks
Union for an updated newest list of your family, relatives member list.
Call for more detailed information and please ask for the
list and process, call Switzerland phone 0041.(0)130 / 82 33 66.
Write to
ATAG, Ernst / Young c/o Dormant Accounts, Aeschengraben 9, PO. Box
2149, CH - 4002 Basel / Switzerland.
More detailed information:
please ask by phone, regular mail and by E-Mail to Yad Vashem/ Israel and
World Jewish Congress USA.(go
to links)
note down below some few names as example from the Swiss Banks for
the unadjusted and unclaimed assets and wealth like finds, gold,
savings, pension and life insurances, cash accounts, investments,
funds and bank accounts of the Turkish citizens, former Turkish
citizens and Turkish descent, Jews&Turk,s from the murdered
victims of the Holocaust-Shoa during the years 1933-1945 in
Mr. Nessim Aslan ( İnssim - İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr. G.
Aslangül ( Paris
-İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr. Mehmet Terzi ( Paris
- İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr.
Leon Barut ( Paris-İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr. Anastase Tellioğlu ( İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr.
Ahmet Yıldırım ( St. Gallen/ Switzerland - İstanbul /Turkey ),
Ariel Dayan (İstanbul / Turkey), Mr. Jonis Cyrill ( İstanbul
/ Turkey ), Mr. Fuad Kazak
( Berlin - İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr.
Dr. Mehmet Yilmaz
Schenker and Co. ( İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr.
Dr. Hamdi Mehmet Sulcebe
( Albania -İstanbul / Turkey ), Mr.
Necati Van ( St. Margariten / Switzerland - İstanbul / Turkey ),
Mr. Dr. Walter Weber ( İstanbul / Turkey ) Mr. Dr. Mehmet
Ali Türkyilmaz (Brussels Istanbul / Turkey) etc..
names of the murdered victims of the Holocaust-Shoah 1933-1945
with Swiss bank accounts will follow...
Furthermoor, it has been told and
written in the world news and World press, that during the
Holocaust-Shoa 1933-1945 Switzerland, Swissborder police and swiss
authorities, allowed European Jews and Jewish descent, the Turkish
citizens, former Turkish citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks
to enter Switzerland after the personal examination showed their
financial situation. (The Bergier
The others, helpless
and defenceless victims
with families and children, the elderly and sick persons without any
financial means had been arrested and afterwards Swiss
authorities delivered the victims immediately to Nazi Germany,
Nazi armed forces, SS, Gestapo and collborators being fully
aware that they consequently swifted these victims to deathcamps. (The Bergier
Add.(Published, printed and made public by World-News-Magazine-Correspondent
Mr.. Ahmet Özay an May 12, 2000).