Antisemitismus in
der Schweiz Seit 1215..
In der Schweiz
1215 bis 1845
Antisemitismus, Vertreibung und
Verbrennung bei lebendigem Leib auf dem Scheiterhaufen
die Grossen Judenquartiere und
Ghettos, Aufenthaltserlaubnis nur gegen Bezahlung und Juden Zoll sowie mit
Stigmatisierung durch
gelben Juden Stern Abzeichen an der Jacke und Hut bis
(4. Lateran-Konzil um 1215)
- A. Weldler-Steinberg, Gesch.
der Juden in der Schweiz vom
12. Jh. bis nach der Emanzipation der Juden- Januar, 1966 -Germania Judaica 2/1,1968; 3/2, 1995.
30 June all
Jews in Bern-Switzerland
were accused of poisoning wells and
expelled and burned alive at
stake. (MC, 6/30/02)
21 September
Jews in Zurich -
were accused of poisoning wells and
expelled and burned alive at
(MC, 9/21/01)
15 November
Rudolph of Oron
claimed all
Jews confessed to poisoning wells and were
expelled and burned alive at stake..
(MC, 11/15/01)
9 Januar
In Basel, Switzerland, (700
) countless Jewish families
were burned alive in their houses.
(MC, 1/9/02)
13 Februar
Jews were expelled from
Burgsdorf, in
(MC, 2/13/02)
22 Februar
Jews were expelled were
burned alive at stake
Zurich, Switzerland. (HN, 2/22/98)
1427, 10
Jews were expelled from
Bern were burned alive at stake
(MC, 5/10/02)
Excavated corpse of heretic
David Jorisz was
burned in Basel.
(MC, 5/13/02)
Citizenship was denied to all
Jews and their family's
of Canton of Aargau,
(MC, 5/5/02)
1918 The Swiss Fatherland Association, an Anti
Semitic and
immigration, group was
(SFC, 6/10/98, p.A10)
1938, 28
Mai the great Jewish Professor (MR. PAUL HINDEMITH'S) Opera "Mathis der Maler," premiered in Zurich-Switzerland.
( The great jewish professor, during the Holocaust Shoah survived in TURKEY)
No protection in Switzerland or Europe for him and his family)
(MC, 5/28/02)
1937 -
1938 Switzerland asked
Berlin to stamp all German passports with
that they could bar most Jews and
jewish descent from Germany and from other European countrys.
This was later acknowledged
from 1937 to 1945 for all
Jews and
jewish descent (Included Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens and
Turkish descent Jews&Turks).
1945 The
US Intelligence Service CIA
revealed in 1997 that
during WW II.
the Swiss National Bank sent 280 truckloads of Nazi gold to
Spain and Portugal. (USAT, 1/13/97, p.3A)
1945 Switzerland turned away at least 130.000
- 136.000 Jews, Jewish descent,
Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens and Turkish descent Jews&Turks,
families with children
from Nazi terror and deathcamps.
Some of the Refugees were forced to work in many labor
camps in Switzerland and rented to Germany as a slave
(SFC, 1/15/98, p.A12)(SFC, 12/11/99, p.C1)
1940 Juni The Germans began to loot the artwork
of Paris and more than 170,000
Jewish, Jewish-descent, Turkish citizens, former Turkish citizens,
Turkish descent of Jews&Turks the countless victim residences were plundered.
A lot
of artwork was sold to the Swiss industrialist Emil G. Bührle
and his Foundation in Switzerland, the largest buyer of confiscated Jewish
French art. The story is told by Hector Feliciano in his 1997 book:
Lost Museum." The best book on the fate of European art in WW II.
reported to be
"The Greate Rape of Europa" by Lynn Nicholas.(SFEC, 7/6/97, BR p.7)(SFC,11/19/97, p.E6
17 Oktober
Eduard von Steiger, Justice Minister and minister of police,
told leaders
of the Swiss Fatherland Association
that the government had decided on a "fundamental stop"of Jews, of Jewish descent,
Turkish citizens,
former Turkish citizens, Turkish descent of Jews&Turks
from 1942 till 1945 the immigration. (SFC, 6/10/98, p.a10)
1945 After the war the US and its allies made a deal with the Swiss to accept
repayment of $ 6 million us dollars and waived further claims. The claims were for
gold acquired from the Nazis during the war. Much of the gold was from
occupied countries and Jews. (FB, 9/12/96, p.A9)
1945 The Union Bank of
Switzerland took over the Eidgenoessische Bank which had built up an
extensive business with Germany during the Third Reich.World war II. (SFC, 1/17/96, p.A1)
1946 The Swiss government agreed
to turn over half of some German assets in vaults to help war refugees and
other victims. "The agreement was not kept from Switzerland". (SFC, 12/1/97, p.A10)
1995 Prompted by Jewish groups
Swiss banks searched their dormant accounts and claimed to have found only
1320 million. (SFC, 10/24/96, p.C2)
1996 The independent Volker
commission was set up to find the truth about assets deposited by
Holocaust victims in Swiss banks. In 1999 the committee presented a list
of some
154,000 accounts with "possible or probable relationships" to
Holocaust victims with a total value of as much as $1.3
- 1.8
billion. (SFC, 12/7/99, p.A10)
1996 The Independent Commission
of Experts on Switzerland and WW II.
was set up. It was led by Mr.
Francois Bergier, Swiss historian.
In 2001 the commission published their report
"Switzerland as a Hub for German Covert Operations from 1933 - 1952." (SFC, 12/7/01, p.F5)
1997, 5 Januar Jewish leaders
blasted the remark of former Swiss President Jean - Pascal Delamuraz, who called
Jewish demands for the compensation of Holocaust victims "blackmail." (SFC, 1/6/97, p.A9)
1997, 9 Januar Christoph Meili,
night watchman at the Union Bank of Switzerland, salvaged an armful of
books and papers that contained bank records from the Nazi era that were
about to be shredded,,.. His dismissal from the security company for which he worked, effective at
the end of April, was announced Feb 24. 1997 (SFC, 1/17/96, p.E1)(SFC, 2/24/96, p.A14)
The Swiss
ambassador to the US, Carlo Jagmetti, resigned after remarks against
groups that represented Holocaust
victims seeking recompense from
banks in Switzerland.
(SFC, 1/28/97, p.A6)
31 Januar
Arnold Koller
expressed regret to
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netenyahu for all
the wrong
doings of the Holocaust - Shoah victims. (SFC, 2/1/97, p.C1)
1997, Februar Three Swiss banks
announced that they had put about $70 million into an account with the
Swiss National Bank to establish a "Humanitarian Fund" for the victims of
the Holocaust - Shoah. (SFC, 2/6/97, p.C2)
23 Juli
Swiss banks published after 52 years,
a list of 2,000 WW II.era dormant accounts that
included assets of all Holocaust Shoah victims? (SFC, 7/23/97, p.A8)
13 Oktober
Swiss bank officials said that 40,000 more unclaimed accounts from the Holocaust
Shoah era
were found containing about $
(SFC, 10/14/97, p.A12)
29 Oktober
Swiss banks released findings? of an additional $ 112.4 million in unclaimed funds from
WW II..?
(SFC,10/30/97, p.A13)
18 November
Holocaust Shoah
survivors from Latvia received the first checks from a $
20 million fund set up by
Swiss banks. Individual survivors were to each receive $
1000.- (SFC,11/19/97, p.C4)
26 Maerz Three major Swiss
banks pledged to set up a compensation fund in the US for a global
settlement with Holocaust Shoah victims. The Swiss government announced a blunt
non-involvement in the global settlement. (SFC, 3/27/98, p.A12)(SFC, 4/2/98, p.C2)
12 August
Representatives of Swiss banks and Holocaust
survivors agreed to a settlement of $1.25 billion in reparations for
victims of the Nazi regime during the Holocaust Shoah.
(SFC, 8/13/98, p.A1)
In der Schweiz vom Mittelalter bis 1848
die Judenvertreibung Judenverbrennung, Judenverfolgung,
Antisemitismus Literatur
Stern, und - Hut ( 4. Laterankonzil 1215 ) - A. Weldler-Steinberg, Gesch.
der Juden in der Schweiz vom
12. Jh. bis nach der Emanzipation1,1966-Germania Judaica 2/1,1968; 3/2, 1995
Die Schweiz betrieb von 1937 - 1938 an in ihrer offiziellen Haltung
gegenüber den Menschen mit jüdischen und jüdischer Abstammung
der Flüchtlingen eine sehr harte Antisemitische Politik,
indem sie der besonderen Kennzeichnung ihrer
und Ausweise
Juden,Menschen mit jüdischer Abstammung
Türkische Staatsbürger ehemalige Staatsbürger sowie zweiten und
der dritten Generation als Juden&Türken
mit einem
"J"- "JUIVE" Stempel
Zuzüglich diskriminierte
1942 die Schweiz der Bundesrat Juden, Menschen mit jüdischer Abstammung,
Türkische Staatsbürger ehemalige Staatsbürger sowie zweiten
und der dritten Generation als Juden&Türken Flüchtlinge in
besonderer Weise durch
Asylverweigerung; die
136.300 jüdische Flüchtlinge bedeutete für viele den Tod.
Antisemitisch motiviert waren Maßnahmen wie zum
Beispiel die
diskriminierende Praxis gegenüber
allen Juden Kinder, Kinder mit jüdischer Abstammung,
die Kinder der Türkischen Staatsbürger,Kinder d.ehemaligen
Türkischen Staatsbürger der zweiten u. dritten Generation
Juden&Türken die während des
2. Weltkriegs, nicht wie anderen Kinder zu einem Erholungs
- Aufenthalt in die Schweiz kommen dürften
und ab Oktober
1938 die Bundesrat Weigerung, ehemaligen
Schweizerinnen jüdischen Glaubens,
die mit einem
Ausländer verheiratet waren
an der
Grenze nicht aufzunehmen
wieder einzubürgern...
1995 hat sich der Bundesrat für diese Politik offiziell
und viel zu spät entschuldigt..